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Epistemology l Ethics l Aesthetics l Hermeneutics l Metaphysics
Neurophilosophy l Mysticology l Ancient Egyptian Sapience, Religion
and Ritual l Studies in Buddhadharma l Philosophy of Music


EpistemologyEthicsAesthetics  l Criticosynthesis 

Philosophy, often termed the love of wisdom, is a beacon of cognitive response to the innate human desire to understand, transcend limitations, and unchain the mind.

This response is deeply rooted in our evolutionary journey, encompassing the physical, informational, and sentient facets of our being. Philosophy strives to know, invent, and produce increasingly complex, refined, and subtle states of matter, information, and consciousness. It aids in fostering creativity and negentropy, pushing against the boundaries of entropy and chaos.

At its core, philosophy is an engagement with the world that is open, personal, dialogal, and rational. It is both critical and creative, always in pursuit of the unconditional. It bridges the gap between reason and intuition, often termed meta-reason, and between reason and instinct, or ante-reason. This bridging allows for a harmonious interplay between the rational and the intuitive, the logical and the spontaneous. Philosophy remains open to the wonderous, the luminous, and the ineffable, always seeking to capture the essence of existence. 

Besides a short history of the work, a corpus of texts is available for those who wish to delve deeper into the philosophical musings and materials presented. Additionally, a synopsis of this philosophy provides a concise overview of its core tenets and principles.

Consciousness l Bits of Neurology l Sensation  
Imagining the Brain l A Philosophy of Mind

The realm of neurophilosophy delves deep into the relationship between the brain and the mind. Philosophers, in their quest to understand consciousness, often grapple with questions concerning the nature of the mind and its connection to the physical brain. 

The "body/mind problem" has been a central theme in philosophy. It seeks to elucidate how a non-material, non-spatial mind, characterized by unified perception and unique features like self-consciousness and intention, relates to the material, spatio-temporal brain. This brain, governed by physical laws, exhibits non-centralized neuronal activity and plasticity.

In contemporary times, a popular stance among scientists and philosophers is materialism, which posits that the mind is an emergent property of neuronal activity. However, this viewpoint faces challenges, particularly in explaining the unity of conscious objects and the functional differences between states of matter and mind. Such challenges raise ethical concerns, especially when considering responsibility and free will. 

Intriguing questions about the brain's capacity for training are raised. Can volitional mentalities induce changes in the brain ? How do altered states of consciousness, as observed in diverse fields like parapsychology and mysticism, relate to the brain's computations?

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Ancient Egyptian Studies
Sapiential Teachings l The Pyramid of Unas l Ptahhotep

Memphis Theology l Amduat l Hermetism

This section intends to bring to life Ancient Egyptian religion, ritual, and sapience, mainly through studying its literature. It serves as a platform for delving into the intricate facets of these topics.

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The Buddhadharma
Introduction l On Śākyamuni l The Buddhāyana

Four Noble Truths l Merit l Emptiness

This part assists in navigating the vast ocean of Buddhism, offering a structured and comprehensive exploration of its teachings. It stands as a testament to the depth and breadth of the Buddhadharma.

Let us start clean-clear : mental states are non-material, non-informational, non-reductive, non-extended in space, logically primitive, basic, and ontologically distinct but interdependent objects, always attributed or designated to a unique individual consciousness or subject of these states, defined by an exclusive point of view or vantage point.

The brain is not conceived as having a secondary role. On the contrary, for an individual to manifest as a conscious entity (as a sentient being) in the physical continuum, needs a brain. Brain and mind are co-relative operators in a triune equation covering matter (hardware), information (software), and consciousness (userware). Mind refers to consciousness (C), whereas the brain is material and informational (MI). The interaction between C and MI is the crucial factor in this argument.

The available texts are divided into preliminaries, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, hermeneutics and religious studies, Ancient Egyptian literature, Hermetism, Hermeticism, and the Buddhadharma.
Details can be consulted here.

The available texts are divided into Dutch hermeneutical studies, and investigations into yoga, qabalah, the Jesus-people, the Didache, the Gospel of Thomas, the Third Life of Ruusbroec, Sufism, with short intros into Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Details can be consulted here.