Pyramid Texts of UNAS

by Wim
van den Dungen
Corridor l
English text
East Gable
(204 - 205, 207, 209, 210 -

"<" or ">" between numbers = sequence of the
"<" from right to left (facing right) or ">" from left to right (facing left)

adapted from the pictures of L.F. Husson in
Piankoff, A. : The Pyramid of Unas,
Bollingen Series, 1968.
to download a larger picture click
the text reads from right to left
{...} : restored passage
<...> : conjectured translation of unknown word
(...) : words added to bring out the sense and/or to clarify
The first number given, is the ordinal position of the utterance in the present
English version of the 228 utterances of the Unas text, while the second is the
traditional enumeration of the sayings by Sethe.
The King eats the food of the gods
(204) nourishment by Osiris
by the priest
The hoers rejoice, the heart of those who cleanse the
breast became fully uplifted, when they swallowed the
Eye of Horus, the healthy one which is in Heliopolis.
The little finger of King Unas, pulls out what is
in the navel of Osiris.
King Unas will not thirst, he will not hunger : it will not be against the heart
Unas. His arms drive away his hunger.
Become awash (with joy) !
Make the hearts full !
(205) the Great Bull cared for
by the priest
To say the words :
O You who preside over the baked
O You who belong to the flood.
King Unas
to Fetekte, the cupbearer of Re, whom Re has commended to himself, that Re may
him to the one in charge of provisioning for this year, that they may seize
barley and give him beer, that they may grasp emmer and give him bread.
For to King Unas, his father is the one who gave barley and beer, Re is the one
who gave emmer and bread.
For he is the Great Bull who smote Kenzet.
King Unas is he who has the five portions of bread, drink and cakes in the
enclosure : a triad is for the sky with Re and a pair is for the Earth with the Two Enneads.
He belongs to the one who was set loose : he is the one who was let loose. He
belongs to the one who is seen : he is the one who is seen.
O Re, it is better with him today than yesterday !
For King Unas has
mated with moisture.
King Unas has kissed dryness.
King Unas has joined with
King Unas has copulated with the young girl of his care when grain and <fluids>
were absent, and the young girl of the care of King Unas is the one who will
give bread to King Unis and make it better for him today.
(207) King Unas
calls to the Eye for a meal
by the King
To say the words :
A meal for me, O knife-sharpener !
meal for me, O knife-sharpener !
A meal, You in Re's Eye !
A meal for me, You with access to (Re's) boat, You in the God's-Eye (boat) !
O cupbearer, bring water !
Light the fire (for) a joint among the roast meat !
-4 handfuls of water-
(209) King Unas is provided
with bread
by the priest
To say the words :
Shu is fresh !
King Unas does not acquire his things.
King Unas is fresh !
Shu does not acquire his things.
The eastern fetchers shall repeat :
"It is your bread."
(210) King Unas is protected
against inversion
by the King
To say the words :
Awake, O Parter !
high, O Thoth !
Awake, You sleepers !
Rise up, You dwellers in Kenzet, who are
before the Great Heron that comes from the {garden}, Path-Parter who comes from
the tamarisk.
My mouth is pure, the Two Enneads have censed
me, and pure indeed is this tongue which is in my mouth.
What I, King Unas, detest is
I reject urine.
I detest my own abomination.
What I detest is these
two : I will never eat the abomination of these two, just as Seth rejects the
two <companions> that cross the sky.
Re and Thoth, take me
with You, that I, King Unas, may eat of what You eat, that I may drink of what You drink,
that I may live on what You live on, that I may sit on what You sit on, that I
may be strong through that whereby You are strong, that I may sail in that in
which You sail.
My pavilion is plaited with reeds, my drink-supply is in the Field
of Offerings, my food-offerings are among You, gods ; my water is wine like
that of Re, and I go round the sky like Re, I traverse the sky like Thoth.
(211) King Unas is the source
of food
by the King
To say the words :
My detestation is hunger, and I, King Unas will never eat it !
My detestation is thirst, and I will never drink it !
It is indeed I who will give bread to those who exist, for my foster-mother is
the milk-goddess, and she will make it possible for me to live it is indeed she who bore me.
I was conceived in the night.
I was born in the night.
I belong to the Followers of Re,
who are before the Morning Star.
I was conceived in Nun.
I was born in Nun.
I have come and I have brought to You the bread of those I found there !
(212) King Unas eats & drinks
Horus lives on
by the King
To say the words :
The Eye of Horus drips on
the bush of the Denu-plant and Foremost of the Westerners came for it, having
provisions to Horus, foremost of the houses.
What he (Horus) lives on, I, King Unas live on !
What he eats of, I eat of !
What he drinks of, I drink of !
A joint of roast meat, that is my offering !