The Yoga Sūtra
of Patañjali

English - French - Dutch Translations

The Yoga Sūtra
of Patañjali

Translations and Commentary

These two books offer translations of the Yoga Sūtra of Patañjali in English, French and Dutch, as well as a commentary from the perspective of a practicing Buddhist. The first brings the translations together, the second is has translations with commentary.

The Yoga Sūtra of Patañjali is a remarkable short text of about 1200 words, codifying the best yoga practices in 195 Sanskrit aphorisms. Yoga became one of the six schools of Hindu philosophy. In contrast to Jainism and Buddhism, it always kept close to the Vedas. These scriptures speak of three paths to freedom from ignorance and the suffering it brings : Ritual, Devotion and Yoga. The Yoga Sūtra turned Hindu Yoga systematic and close to direct experience.

Besides a critique of the eternal substances of seer (the self) and seen (Nature), the commentary also identifies correspondences between Jhāna Yoga and the various types of union (samādhi) mentioned by Patañjali and compares constraint (the application of concentration, contemplation and union) with the Nine Stages of Calm Abiding.

Books and  PDF Ebooks

The Yoga Sūtra (Translations) can be purchased
as a Print-On-Demand Book
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The Yoga Sūtra - Translations


© 2021 by Wim van den Dungen

109 pages
available in the LULU Bookstore
ISBN : 978-1-329-91874-0

15 $

The Yoga Sūtra (Translations and Commentary) can be purchased
as a Print-On-Demand Book and PDF EBOOK
Mobirise Website Builder

The Yoga Sūtra - Translations and Commentary


© 2021 by Wim van den Dungen

339 pages
available in the LULU Bookstore
ISBN : 978-1-365-02572-3

25 $

Mobirise Website Builder

The Yoga Sūtra - Translations and Commentary


© 2023 by Wim van den Dungen

2.05 MB
available in the LULU Bookstore

3.20 $

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