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The Jubilee of the Words of Jesus ?

Consider the lilies how they grow : 
they toil not, they spin not.

Q1 67

From the Jesus-people to early Christianity
The Wisdom Discourse or the "Logia Iesu"
Identifying the Historical Jesus
Q1 : an Interpretation
Jesus the Christ : a theology

Also consult :

A Christian Orthodoxy
and the Holy Spirit

©  Wim van den Dungen


The Gospel of Thomas

From the Jesus-people to early Christianity

The original movements around Jesus
Christianity is apostolic & evangelical
Freedom of expression & the Jesus-movements
The organization of early Christianity
The rise of Roman Catholicism
Early heresies
Christology, Trinitarism & Catholicism imposed "de manu militari"
Selection of suggestive historical landmarks
Selection of themes
Towards a description of Christianity ?

Identifying the Historical Jesus

Selection of premises & hermeneutical rules of the Jesus Seminar

Q1 : the earliest layer of Q
The English text of the Gospel of Thomas
A classification
An exercise in balance

The Wisdom Discourse or the "Logia Iesu"

Q1 : an Interpretation

Jesus the Christ : a theology

SiteMap of Philosophy SiteMap of Ancient Egyptian Sapience SiteMap of Studies in Buddhadharma


initiated : 11 XI 1997 - last update : 25 XI 2005 - version n°7