The text of
Q1 :
Scholars subdivide the text of
(ca. AD 50) in 7 clusters (I, II ... VII). They are called : teachings, instructions,
confidence in the Father, on speaking out & against anxiety, on personal goods,
parables of the Kingdom and the followers of Jesus (Mack, 1993).
In the present study, the 21 sections (S1, S2 .... S21) of
are linked with their references in the Gospel of Luke and in Kloppenborg's edition
(K) of the complete text of Q (Kloppenborg, 1988). Finally
Q1 is subdivided in 91 "verses". They are the
semantic units used to structure my comment on
Scholars conjecture that the Thomas-collection seems to be an anthology
made from texts disparate both in age & contents. The text is a compilation
gleaned from previously written apocrypha (Doresse, 1958). The textual order of these 144
sayings contains no clusters.
The 144 sayings of Jesus recorded by the Thomas-people (ca. AD 75 - 100) can be divided in
(1) Q1-parallels (1 - 18) : 17%
(2) // canonical gospels (19 - 64) : 41%
(3) // other classical sources (65 - 76) : 9%
(4) sayings according to Thomas (77 - 114) : 33%

initiated : 11 XI 1997 - last update :
25 XI 2005 - version n°7