Studies in
Music by Wim van den Dungen |
Ars Inveniendi Biblio |
OMNIA STANT HARMONIA. Anarmonia cadunt omnia. Nec erigitur,
reficitur, restituitur quidquam, nisi ad Harmoniam relatum atque
redactum. |
Adey, Ch. : Orchestral Performance, Faber &
Faber - London, 1998. Dewey, J. : Art as Experience, Capricorn Books - New York, 1958. Dewey, J. : Philosophy and Civilization, Capricorn - New York, 1963. Dickie, G. : Evaluating Art, Temple University Press - Philadelphia, 1988. Didden, F. : Theoretische Begrippen van de Muziek, Metropolis - Antwerpen, 1974. Ducasse, C.J. : The Philosophy of Art, Dover Publications - New York, 1966. Duffin, R.W. : How Equal Temperament Ruined Harmony, Norton - New York 2007. Eaton, M. : Merit, Aesthetic and Ethical, Oxford University Press - New York, 2000. Edgar, W. : Taking Note of Music, SPCK - London, 1986. Eliade, M. : The Sacred and the Profane, Harcourt, Brace & C° - New York, 1959. Eliade, M. : Images and Symbols, Harvill Press - London, 1961. Forsyth, C. : Orchestration, Dover - New York, 1982. Foucault, M. : Geschiedenis van de waanzin, Boom - Meppel, 1975. Forte, A. : The Structure of Atonal Music, Yale University Press - London, 1973. Freud, S. : The Interpretation of Dreams, Knopf - New York, 1994. Gadamer, H-G. : Truth and Method, Crossroad - New York, 1975. Gal, H. : Letters of the Great Composers, Thames & Hudson - London, 1965. Gallon, N. & Bitsch, M. : Traité de Contrepoint, Durand - Paris, 1964. Garland, T.H. & Kahn, C.V. : Math and Music, Dale Seymour Publications - New York, 1995. Geeurickx, E. : Functionele Harmonie 1 & 2, De Monte - Leuven, 1973. Gilbert, K.E. & Kuhn, H. : A History of Esthetics, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1954. Goetschius, P. : Counterpoint Applied, Greenwood - Westport, 1975. Goldblatt, D. & Brown, L.B. : Aesthetics : a Reader in Philosophy of the Arts, Prentice Hall - Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 1997. Gracyk, Th. & Kania, A. : The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Music, Routledge & Kegan - Oxon, 2014. Griffiths, P. : Histoire Concise de la Musique Moderne, Fayard - Paris, 1978. Guénon, R. : Fundamental Symbols, Quinta Essentia - Cambridge, 1996. Gurney, E. : The Power of Sound, Basic Books - New York, 1966. Habermas, J. : Erkenntnis und Interesse, Suhrkamp - Frankfurt, 1973. Hammond, W.A. : A Bibliography of Aesthetics and of the Philosophy of the Fine Arts from 1900 - 1932, Russell & Russell - New York, 1934, 1967. Hanfling, O. : Philosophical Aesthetics, Blackwell - Oxford, 1992. Hanslick, E. : On the Musically Beautiful, Hackett Publishing - London, 1986. Heidegger, M. : Nietzsche, Harper & Row - San Francisco, 1979 -1987, volume 1 : The Will To Power as Art, volume 2 : The Eternal Recurrence and the Same, volume 3 : The Will to Power as Knowledge and as Metaphysics, volume 4 : Nihilism. Hein, H. & Korsmeyer, C. : Aesthetics in Feminist Perspective, Indiana University Press - Bloomington, 1993. Herbert, T. : Music in Words, The Association Board of the Royal Schools of Music - London, 2001. Hewitt, M. : Musical Scales of the World, The Note Tree, 2013. Hewitt, M. : Composition for Computer Musicians, Course Technology - Boston, 2009. Hindemith, P. : The Craft of Musical Composition, Schott - London, 1942, Book 1 & Book 2. Hindemith, P. : Traditional Harmony, Schott - London, 1943, Book 1. Hindemith, P. : Elementary Training for Musicians, Schott - London, 1946. Hindley, G. : The Larousse Encyclopedia of Music, Hamlyn - London, 1978. Huntley, H.E. : The Divine Proportion, Dover - New York, 1970. Huxley, A. : The Perennial Philosophy, Harper & Brothers - New York, 1945. Huxley, A. : The Doors of Perception, Chatto & Windus - London, 1951. James, W. : Principles of Psychology, Dover - New York, 1950, 2 volumes. Jacob, G. : How to Read a Score, Boosey & Hawkes - London, 1944. Jarrett, S. & Day, H. : Music Composition for Dummies, Wiley - Hoboken 2008. Jelinek, H. : Anleitung zur Zwölftonkomposition, Universal - Wien, 1967. Jung, C. : Collected Works, Bollingen series/Princeton University - Princeton, 1979, 20 volumes. Kant, I. : Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, Macmillan - New York, 1949. Kant, I. : Critique of Judgement, Hafner - New York, 1951. Kant, I. : Opus postumum, PUF - Paris, 1986. Kelly, M. : Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, Oxford University Press - New York, 1999. Kerman, J. : Contemplating Music, Harvard University Press - Massachusetts, 1985. Kivy, P. : Philosophies of Arts, Cambridge University Press - New York, 1997. Kivy, P. : Speaking of Art, Martinus Nijhoff - The Hague, 1973. Kobbé, G. : Tout l'Opéra, Laffont - Paris, 1982. Koestler, A. : The Act of Creation, MacMillan - New York, 1964. Kovach, F.J. : Philosophy of Beauty, University of Oklahoma Press -Norman, 1974. Křenek, E. : Studies in Counterpoint, Schirmer - London, 1940. Langfeld, H.S. : The Aesthetic Attitude, Kennikat Press, Inc. - Port Washington, New York, 1967. Langer, S.K. : Problems of Art : Ten Philosophical Lectures, Charles Scribner's Sons - New York, 1957. Lee, V. : The Beautiful, an Introduction to Psychological Aesthetics, Cambridge University Press - Cambridge, 1913. Levinas, E. : Totality and Infinity, Duquesne University Press - Pittsburg, 1961. Leys, B. : Der Ring des Nibelungen, Heuff - Nieuwkoop, 1976. Livingston, P. : Art and Intention : A Philosophical Study, Oxford University Press - Oxford, 2005. Lovelock, W. : Elementary Accompaniment Writing, Bell & Hyman - London, 1971. Madden, Ch. : Fib and Phi in Music, High Art Press - Salt Lake City, 2005. Marcuse, H. : One Dimensional Man, Sphere - London, 1968. Margolis, J. : Philosophy Looks at the Arts : Contemporary Readings in Aesthetics, Temple University Press - New York, 1987. Massin, J. & B. : Mozart, Fayard - Paris, 1970. Merleau-Ponty, M. : Phénoménologie de la perception, Gallimard - Paris, 1945. McKeon, R. : The Collected Works of Aristotle, Random House - New York, 1941. Munro, Th. : Toward Science in Aesthetics, The Liberal Arts Press - New York, 1956. Munro, Th. : The Arts and Their Interrelations, The Press of Case Western Reserve - Cleveland, 1967. Nietzsche, F. : Werke in vier Bänden, Das Bergland-Buch Verlag - Salzburg, 1985, 4 Bände. Neill, A. & Ridley, A. : Arguing About Art : Contemporary Philosophical Debates, McGraw Hill, Inc. - New York, 1995. Osborne, H. : Aesthetics and Art Theory, Dutton - New York, 1970. Osterheld, H. : Franz Schubert, Donker - Rotterdam, 1979. Partch, H. : Genesis of a Music, Da Capo Press - New York, 1974. Pepper, St.C. : Principles of Art Appreciation, Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. - New York, 1949. Pepper, St.C. : The Basis of Criticism in the Arts, Harvard University Press - Cambridge, 1956. Pepper, St.C. : Concept and Quality : A World Hypothesis, Open Court - LaSalle, 1967. Pepper, St.C. : Aesthetic Quality : A Contextualistic Theory of Beauty, Greenwood Press Publishers - Westport, Connecticut, 1970. Persichetti, V. : Twentieth Century Harmony, Faber & Faber - London, 1978. Piaget, J. : The development of thought. Equilibration of cognitive structures, Oxford University Press - Oxford, 1978. Prall, D.W. : Aesthetic Analysis, Thomas Crowell Co. - New York, 1967. Piston, W. : Orchestration, Gollancz - London, 1979. Piston, W. : Contrapunt, Strengholt - Naarden, 1977. Plato : Verzameld Werk, Ambo - Baarn, 1980. Plotinus : Complete Works, Platonist Press - Alphine, New Jersey, 1918, five volumes. Popper, K.R. : The Poverty of Historicism, Routledge & Kegan - London, 1961. Popper, K.R. : The Open Universe, Hutchinson -London, 1982. Porette, M. : The Mirror of Simple Souls, University Notre Dame Press - Notre Dame, 1999. Powell, J. : How Music Works, Penguin - New York, 2010. Prall, D.W. : Aesthetic Judgment, Thomas Crowell Co. - New York, 1967. Prigogine, I & Stengers, I. : Order out of Chaos, Bantam - Toronto, 1984. Prigogine, I. & Stengers, I. : La Nouvelle Alliance, Gallimard - Paris, 1979. Radcliffe, Ph. : Beethoven's String Quartets, Cambridge University Press - New York, 1978. Rameau, J-Ph. : Treatise on Harmony, Dover - New York, 1971. Rebatet, L. : Une Histoire de la Musique, Laffont - Paris, 1969. Renold, M. : Intervals, Scales, Tones and the Concert Pitch, Temple Lodge - Sussex, 2004. Ricoeur, P. : Le conflit des Interpretations. Essais d'Herméneutique, Seuil - Paris, 1969. Rimsky-Korsakov, N. : Principles of Orchestration, Dover - New York, 1964. Rousseau, J-J. : The Confessions, Oxford University Press - Oxford, 2000. Salzer, F. & Schachter, C. : Counterpoint in Composition, Columbia University Press - New York, 1989. Santayana, G. : The Sense of Beauty, Being the Outlines of Aesthetic Theory, The Modern Library - New York, 1955. Sartre, J-P. : What is Literature ?, Harper Colophon Books - New York, 1965. Sartre, J-P. : Being and Nothingness, Washington Square Press - New York, 1966. Saw, R.L. : Aesthetics : An Introduction, Anchor Books - New York, 1971. Schaper, E. : Prelude to Aesthetics, George Allen & Unwin, Ltd. - London, 1968. Schelling, F.W.J. : Sammtliche Werke, Augsburg - Stuttgart, 1857. Schopenhauer, A. : The World as Will and Representation, Dover - New York, 1966, 2 volumes. Schönberg, A. : Fundamentals of Musical Composition, Faber & Faber - London, 1967. Schönberg, A. : Theory of Harmony, University of California Press - Berkeley, 1983. Schönberg, A. : Structural Functions of Harmony, Faber & Faber - London, 1983. Seaman, Ch. : Inside Conducting, University of Rochester Press - Rochester, 2013. Seashore, C.R. : Psychology of Music, Dover - New York, 1938. Sheppard, A. : Aesthetics, an Introduction to the Philosophy of Art, Oxford University Press - New York, 1987. Shields, A. : A Bibliography of Bibliographies in Aesthetics, San Diego University Press - California, 1974. Smith-Brindle, R. : Serial Composition, Oxford University Press - Oxford, 1977. Smith-Brindle, R. : The New Music, Oxford University Press - Oxford, 1987. Smuts, J.C. : Holism and Evolution, Greenwood Press - Westport, 1973. Sparshott, F. E. : The Structure of Aesthetics, University of Toronto Press - Toronto, 1963. Sullivan, J.W.N. : Beethoven : His Spiritual Development, Vintage Books - New York, 1927. Stace, W.T. : The Teachings of the Mystics, Mentor - New York, 1960. Stace, W.T. : Mysticism and Philosophy, Macmillan - London, 1973. Stein, G. : The Ways of Meaning in the Arts, Humanities Press - New York, 1970. Stein, L. : Structure & Style, Warner Bross - Miami, 1979. Stein, L. : Anthology of Musical Forms, Warner Bross - Miami, 1990. Stewart, D. : Inside the Music, Backbeat Books - San Francisco, 1999. Stolnitz, J. : Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art Criticism, Houghton Mifflin Co. - Boston, 1960. Tart, Ch. : Transpersonale Psychologie, Schibli - Doppler - Schweiz, 1978. Taylor, C.W. : Climate for Creativity, Pergamon - New York, 1972. Tolstoy, L. : What is Art ? & Essays on Art, Oxford University Press - New York, 1962. Tormey, A. : The Concept of Expression : A Study in Philosophical Psychology and Aesthetics, Princeton University Press - Princeton, 1971. Townsend, D. : An Introduction to Aesthetics, Blackwell - Oxford, 1997. Tymoczko, D. : A Geometry of Music, Oxford University Press - Oxford, 2011. Underhill, E. : Mysticism. A study in the nature and development of man's spiritual consciousness, Dutton - New York, 1970. Von Harsanyi, Z. : Vie de Liszt, Les Éditions de Paris - Paris, 1948. Vuillermoz, E. : Histoire de la Musique, Fayard - Paris, 1949. Wallas, G. : The Art of Thought, Jonathancape - London, 1926. Weitz, M. : The Opening Mind : A Philosophical Study of Humanistic Concepts, The University of Chicago Press - Chicago, 1977. Wellek, R. : Discriminations : Further Concepts of Criticism, Yale University Press - New Haven, 1970. Whitehead, A.N. : Process and Reality, The Free Press - New York, 1978. Whitehead, A.N. : Religion in the Making, Fordham University Press - New York, 1996. Whitehead, A.N. : The Concept of Nature, Dover - New York, 2004. Willemze, Th. : Algemene Muziekleer, Het Spectrum - Antwerpen, 1979. Wittgenstein, L. : The Blue and Brown Books, Harper - New York 1965. Wittgenstein, L. : Filosofische onderzoekingen, Boom - Meppel, 1976. Wolterstorff, N. : Works and Worlds of Art, Oxford University Press - London, 1980.
Davies, S. : "Notations", in Gracyk, Th. & Kania, A. : The Routledge
Companion to Philosophy and Music, Routledge & Kegan - Oxon, 2014,
pp.70-79. |
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