
the divine
by Wim van den Dungen
Chapter 17
of the Book of the Dead reads :
came into being all the words of Atum :
'I was Atum when I was alone
and came into being in the Primordial Waters.
I am the great
evolved by himself.
That is, Nun, who created his name
company of gods as god.'
Palette of the
scribe Pay, with an invocation of Amun-Re (right) and an invocation of Thoth
(left) as Lord of the Words of the god, i.e. of hieroglyphic writing - XVIIIth
Who then is he ?
It is Re who created the names of his limbs. These come into existence
in the form of the gods who are in Re's suite.
I am he who is not opposed among the gods."
separates Geb from Nut assisted by the gods of the
north winds
adapted from
the book of the dead of the priestess Nesittanebtasjeroe
Thebes - XIth Dynasty - Greenfield papyrus (plate 87)
(Shu, son of Atum and god of air & life,
says :)
"Nun saw me when I came into being. I know his name. I know the
place where I came into being. But he did not see me come into being
with his own sight.
For I came into
being from the flesh of the great self-created god.
He formed me with his heart. He made me by his spirit. He exhaled me
from his nostril. I am he whose nature was exhaled, whom this august
god manifested, who strews the sky with his beauty, whose name the gods do
not know."
Coffin Texts,
spell 75 (§§ 334 - 342), spell for becoming Shu.

© Wim van den Dungen
