general bibliography on the philosophy of the equiaeon-system* is a careful selection
out of the vast pool of sources backing
my studies and
writings. Separate smaller bibliographies on
Ancient Egypt,
Neurotheology &
Buddhadharma are available. 1. PRIMARY SOURCES 2. PRIMARY RELIGIOUS SOURCES AND MYSTICS 3. REFERENCE WORKS 4. SECUNDARY SOURCES Achenbach, G.B. : Philosophische Praxis, Dinter - Keulen, 1987. Adorno, Th.W. : Kritische Modellen, Van Gennep - Amsterdam, 1977. Albert, H. : Traktat Über kritische Vernunft, Mohr - Tübingen, 1969. Albert, H. : Theorie en Kritiek, Boom - Meppel, 1976. Anselmus van Canterbury : Prologion, Het Wereldvenster - Baarn, 1981. Aquinas, Thomas : Summa Theologica, McGraw-Hill - New York, 1964 - 1981. Aquino, van, Th. : Over het zijnde en het wezen, Agora - Kampen, 1986. Aquino, van, Th. : Metaphysica tussen ervaring en transcendentie, Agora - Kampen, 1994. Aristoteles : Ethica Nicomachea, De Nederlandsche Boekhandel - Antwerpen, 1954. Aristotle : Metaphysics I - IX, Loeb - Londen, 1980. Aristotle : Metaphysics X - XIV, Loeb - Londen, 1977. Aristotle : Oeconomica, Loeb - Londen, 1977. Aristotle : Magna Moralia, Loeb - Londen, 1977. Aristotle : Posterior Analytics, Loeb - Londen, 1966. Aristotle : Topica, Loeb - Londen, 1966. Aristotle : Ethics, Penguin - New York, 1979. Aristote : De l'Âme, Les Belles Lettres - Paris, 1995. Aristote : Rhétorique, Les Belles Lettres - Paris, 1967. Aristoteles : Metaphysica A, Het Wereldvenster - Baarn, 1977. Aristoteles : De Ziel, Damon - Leende, 2000. McKeon, R. : The Collected Works of Aristotle, Random House - New York, 1941. Artaud, A. : Selected Writings, University of California Press - Los Angeles, 1988. Assmann, J. : The Search for God in Ancient Egypt, Cornell University Press - London, 1991. Assmann, J. : Maât, La Maison de Vie - Paris, 1999. Assmann, J. : The Mind of Egypt, Holt - New York, 2002. Aurelius, M. : Meditations, Penguin - New York, 1984. Augustine : Confessions, Penguin Classics - London, 1961. Augustine : The City of God, Penguin Classics - London, 1984. Ayer, A.J. : Language, Truth and Logic, Gollancz - London, 1936. Bacon, F. : The New Organon, Macmillan - New York, 1960. Bacon, F. : Essays, Boom - Meppel, 1978. Bakunin, M. : Marxism, Freedom & the State, Freedom Press - London, 1990. Bataille, G. : La Part Maudite, Minuit - Paris, 1967. Bataille, G. : Théorie de la Religion, Gallimard - Paris, 1973. Bataille, G. : L'Expérience Intérieure, Gallimard - Paris, 1973. Bataille, G. : L'Histoire de l'Erotisme, Gallimard - Paris, 1975. Baudrillard, J. : L'échange symbolique et la mort, Gallimard - Paris, 1976. Bedae Venerabilis : Opera de Temporibus, Banta - Menasha, 1943. Bell, J.S. : Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Theory, Cambridge University Press - Cambridge, 1987. Bentham, J. : Introduction to the Theory of Morals and Legislation, Athlone Press - London, 1970. Bergson, H. : Les deux sources de la morale et de la religion, PUF - Paris, 1932. Bergson, H. : De Scheppende Evolutie, Wereldbibliotheek - Amsterdam, 1933. Bergson, H. : Matière et Mémoire, Skira - Genève, 1946. Bergson, H. : Key Writings, Continuum - New York, 2002. Berkeley, G. : The Works of George Berkeley Bishop of Cloyne, Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd. - London, 1949, 1950, 9 volumes. Bertalanfy, von, L. : General Systems Theory, Braziller - New York, 1968. Blondel, M. : L'Action, Félix Alcan - Paris, 1936, 3 tomes. Boëthius : Vertroosting der Wijsbegeerte, De Nederlandsche Boekhandel - Antswerpen, 1952. Bohm, D. : Quantum Theory, Englewood - New York, 1951. Bohm, D. : Causality and Chance in Modern Physics, Routledge & Kegan - London, 1957. Bohm, D. : Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Routledge - London, 1980. Bohm, D. : Thought as a System, Routledge - London, 1994. Bohm, D. : On Dialogue, Routledge - London, 1996. Bohm, D. & Krishnamurti, J. : The Ending of Time, Harper - San Francisco, 1985. Bohm, D. & Hiley, B.J. : The Undivided Universe, Routledge - London, 1993. Bohm, D. & Peat, F.D. : Science, Order and Creativity, Routledge - London, 2000. Bohr, N. : Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge, Wiley - New York, 1958. Bohr, N. : Essays on Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge, Interscience - New York, 1963. Born, M. : The Restless Universe, Dover - New York, 1951. Born, M. : Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Dover - New York, 1962. Breton, A. : Manifestes du surréalisme, Gallimard - Paris, 1985. Buber, M. : Ik en Gij, Bijleveld - Utrecht, 1959. Buber, M. : Pointing the Way, Harper & Row - New York, 1963. Buber, M. : Between Man and Man, Macmillan - New York, 1967. Carnap, R. : Logical Foundations of Probability, University Chicago Press - Chicago, 1962. Carnap, R. : Schijnproblemen in de filosofie, Boom - Meppel, 1971. Cassirer, E. : The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, Yale University Press - New Haven, 1953, volume 1 Language, volume 2 : Mythic Thought, volume 3 : The Phenomenology of Language. Chardin, de T. : Het verschijnsel mens, Aula - Utrecht, 1958. Chardin, de T. : Le Milieu Divin, Collins - London, 1966. Chomsky, N. : The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory, University of Chicago Press - Chicago, 1975. Cicéron : De la République, Flammarion - Paris, 1965. Cicéron : Des Lois, Flammarion - Paris, 1965. Cicéron : De la Vieillesse, Flammarion - Paris, 1967. Cicéron : De l'Amitié, Flammarion - Paris, 1967. Clement of Alexandria : The One Who Knows God, Scroll - Tyler, 1990. Cusanus, N. : Selected Spiritual Writings, Paulist Press - Mahwah, 1997. Comte, A. : Catéchisme Positiviste, Flammarion - Paris, 1966. Darwin, Ch. : The Origin of Species, Penguin - New York, 1978. Darwin, Ch. : The Descent of Man, Murray - London, 1875. Deleuze, G. : Nietzsche and Philosophy, Columbia University Press - New York, 1983. Deleuze, G. : Foucault, University of Minnesota Press - Minneapolis, 1988. Deleuze, G. : Spinoza : Practical Philosophy, City Lights - San Francisco, 1988. Deleuze, G. : Coldness and Cruelty, Zone Books - New York, 1989. Deleuze, G. : Expressionism in Philosophy : Spinoza, Zone Books - New York, 1990. Deleuze, G. : Bergsonism, Zone Books - New York, 1991. Deleuze, G. : Difference and Repetition, Columbia University Press - New York, 1994. Derrida, J. : De la grammatologie, Seuil - Paris, 1967. Derrida, J. : L'écriture de la différence, Seuil - Paris, 1967. Derrida, J. : La Dissémination, Seuil - Paris, 1972. Derrida, J. : Positions, Minuit - Paris, 1972. Derrida, J. : Glas, Galilée - Paris, 1974. Derrida, J. : Writing and Difference, University of Chicago Press - Chicago, 1978. Derrida, J. : Spurs : Nietzsche’s Styles, University of Chicago Press - Chicago, 1978. Derrida, J. : La Carte postalle, Flammarion - Paris, 1980. Derrida, J. : Margins of Philosophy, University of Chicago Press - Chicago, 1982. Derrida, J. : De droit à la philosophie, Galilée - Paris, 1990. Descartes, R. : Œuvres et Lettres, Gallimard - Paris, 1953. Descartes : Œuvres de Descartes (Adam, Ch. & Tannery, P.), Aubier - Paris, 1974. Descartes, R. : Discourse on Method and the Meditations, Penguin - New York, 1979. Descartes, R. : Méditations Métaphysiques, Flammarion - Paris, 1979. Dewey, J. : Reconstruction in Philosophy, Mentor - New York, 1953. Dewey, J. : Art as Experience, Capricorn Books - New York, 1958. Dewey, J. : Philosophy and Civilization, Capricorn - New York, 1963. Dilthey, W. : Descriptive Psychology and Historical Understanding, Martinus Nijhoff - The Hague, 1977. Dijksterhuis, E.J. : The Mechanization of the World Picture : Pythagoras to Newton, Princeton University Press - Princeton, 1986. Diogène Laërce : Vie, Doctrines et Sentences des Philosophes Illustres, Flammarion - Paris, 1965, 2 volumes. Diderot, D. : Le Rêve de d'Alembert, Gallimard - Paris, 1935. Dirac, P. : The Development of Quantum Theory, Gordon & Breach - London, 1971. Duhem, P. : La Théorie Physique : Son object et sa Structure, Chevalier et Rivière - Paris, 1906. Duhem, P. : Medieval Cosmology, University of Chicago Press - Chicago, 1985. Duns Scotus : Het Eerste Beginsel, Ambo - Baarn, 1985. Duns Scotus : Philosophical Writings, Hackett - Cambridge, 1987. Durkheim, E. : Over Moraliteit, Boom Meppel - Amsterdam, 1977. Eccles, J.C. : The Neurophysiological Basis of Mind, Oxford University Press - Oxford, 1953. Eccles, J.C. : The Wonder of Being Human, Free Press - New York, 1984. Einstein, A. : Relativiteit, Aula - Antwerpen, 1979. Einstein, A. : Ideas and Opinions, Laurel - New York, 1979. Einstein, A. & Infeld, L. : The Evolution of Physics, Simon & Schuster - New York, 1961. Eliade, M. : Birth and Rebirth, Harper and Brothers - New York, 1958. Eliade, M. : Patterns in Comparative Religion, Sheed & Ward - New York, 1958. Eliade, M. : Traité d'histoire des Religions, Payot - Paris, 1959. Eliade, M. : The Sacred and the Profane, Harcourt, Brace & C° - New York, 1959. Eliade, M. : Myths, Dreams and Mysteries, Harper & Row - New York, 1960. Eliade, M. : Images and Symbols, Harvill Press - London, 1961. Eliade, M. : Shamanism : Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy, Bollingen series/Princeton University Press - Princeton, New Jersey, 1964. Eliade, M. : Mephistopheles and the Androgyne, Sheed and Ward - New York, 1965. Eliade, M. : The Myth of the Eternal Return, Bollingen series/Princeton University Press - Princeton, 1965. Eliade, M. : The Quest. History and Meaning in Religion, University of Chicago Press - Chicago, 1969. Eliade, M. : The Forge and the Crucible, Harper & Row - New York, 1971. Eliade, M. : Zalmoxis The Vanishing God, University of Chicago Press - Chicago, 1972. Eliade, M. : Yoga : Immortality and Freedom, Bollingen series/Princeton University Press - Princeton, 1973. Eliade, M. : Patañjali and Yoga, Schocken Books - New York, 1975. Eliade, M. : Techniques du Yoga, Gallimard - Paris, 1975. Eliade, M. : Occultism, Witchcraft and Cultural Fashions, University of Chicago Press - Chicago, 1976. Eliade, M. : A History of Religious Ideas, University of Chicago Press - Chicago, 1978, 1982, 1985, volume 1 : From the Stone Age to the Eleusinian Mysteries, volume 2 : From Gautama Buddha to the Triumph of Christianity, volume 3 : From Muhammad to the Age of Reforms. Eliade, M. & Couliano, I. : The Eliade Guide to World Religions, Harper - San Francisco, 1991. Epictetus : The Discourses, Harvard University Press - Harvard, 1925-1928. Érasme : L'Éloge de la Folie, Verda - Paris, s.d. Festugière, A.J. & Nock, A.D. : Hermes Trismegiste : Corpus Hermeticum, Belles Lettres - Paris, 1983, 4 volumes. Feyerabend, P. : Science in a Free Society, Verso - New York, 1978. Feyerabend, P. : Problems of Empiricism, Cambridge University Press - Cambridge, 1985, 2 volumes. Feyerabend, P. : Against Method, Verso - New York, 1993. Feynman, R.P., Leighton, R.B. & Sands, M. : Feynman Lectures on Physics, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company - Reading, 1970, 3 volumes. Feynman, R.P. : The Meaning of it All, Allen Lane - London, 1998. Feuerstein, G. : Handboek voor Yoga, Ankh-Hermes - Deventer, 1978. Feuerstein, G. : Yoga-sutra : An Exercise in the Methodology of Textual Analysis, Motilal - New Dehli, 1979. Feuerstein, G. : The Yoga-sutra of Patañjali, Dawson - Kent, 1979. Feuerstein, G. : The Philosophy of Classical Yoga, Manchester University Press - Manchester, 1980. Feuerstein, G. : Tantra : The Path to Ecstasy, Shambhala - Boston, 1998. Feuerstein, G. & Miller, J. : A Reappraisal of Yoga, Rider & Company - London, 1971. Feuerstein, G., Kak, S. & Frawley, D. : In Search of the Cradle of Civilization, Quest - Wheaton, 1995. Fichte, J.G. : La destination de l'homme, Union Générale - Paris, 1965. Ficino, M. : Three Books on Life, Renaissance Society of America - Tempe, 1988. Foucault, M. : Geschiedenis van de waanzin, Boom - Meppel, 1975. Foucault, M. : Geschiedenis van de seksualiteit, Sun - Nijmegen, 1985, 3 volumes. Frege, G. : De grondslagen van de aritmetica, Het Wereldvenster - Bussum, 1981. Freud, S. : Moses and Monotheism, Hogarth Press - London, 1939. Freud, S. : Totem and Taboo, Random House - New York, 1946. Freud, S. : Collected Papers, Basic Books - New York, 5 volumes, 1959. Freud, S. : The Ego and the Id, Norton - New York, 1962. Freud, S. : New Introductory Lectures, Hogarth Press - London, 1964. Freud, S. : The Interpretation of Dreams, Knopf - New York, 1994. Fromm, E. : The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness, Penguin - New York, 1973. Gadamer, G.F. : Wahrheit und Methode, Mohr - Tübingen, 1960. Gadamer, H-G. : Truth and Method, Crossroad - New York, 1975. Godwin, W : An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, Penguin - New York, 1976. Gorgias : Het woord is een machtig heerser, Historische Uitgeverij - Groningen, 1996. Guénon, R. : East and West, Luzac - London, 1941. Guénon, R. : The Reign of Quantity and The Signs of the Times, Luzac - London, 1953. Guénon, R. : The Crisis of the Modern World, Luzac - London, 1962. Guénon, R. : Introduction générale à l'étude des doctrines Hindoues, Véga - Paris, 1964. l Guénon, R. : Symbolism of the Cross, Luzac - London, 1975. Guénon, R. : The Lord of the World, Coombe Springs Press - Moorcote, 1983. Guénon, R. : The Great Triad, Quinta Essentia - Cambridge, 1991. Guénon, R. : The Esoterism of Dante, Sophia Perennis et Universalis - Ghent, 1996. Guénon, R. : Fundamental Symbols, Quinta Essentia - Cambridge, 1996. Guénon, R. : Man and His Becoming, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers - New Delhi, 1999. Guénon, R. : Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers - New Delhi, 2000. Habermas, J. : Zur Logik der Sozialwissenschaften, Suhrkamp -Frankfurt, 1970. Habermas, J. & Luhnman, N. : Theorie der Gesellschaft oder Sozialtechnologie Was leistet die Systemforschung ?, Suhrkamp - Frankfurt, 1971. Habermas, J. : Erkenntnis und Interesse, Suhrkamp - Frankfurt, 1973. Habermas, J. : Technik und Wissenschaft aus 'Ideologie', Surhkamp - Frankfurt, 1968, p.161.
From Beacon Press (Boston) or MIT Press (Cambridge) most of his works are
available : Toward a Rational Society, 1971. Theory and Practice, 1973. Legimation Crisis, 1975. Communication and the Evolution of Society, 1979. Philosophical-Political Profiles, 1983. The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, 1985. The Theory of Communicative Action, Vol. 1, 1984, Vol. 2, 1987. On the Logic of the Social Sciences, 1988. The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere, 1989. The New Conservatism, 1989. Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action, 1990. Postmetaphysical Thinking, 1992. Justification and Application, 1993. The Past as Future, 1994. Between Facts and Norms, 1997. Hegel, G.W.F. : The Philosophy of Right, Clarendon - Oxford, 1952. Hegel, G.W.F. : Le Savoir Absolu, Aubier - Paris, 1977. Hegel, G.W.F. : Het Wetenschappelijke Denken, Boom Meppel - Amsterdam, 1978. Hegel, G.W.F. : De Zelfverantwoording van de Geest, Futile - Amsterdam, 1980. Heidegger, M. : Sein und Zeit, Niemeyer - Tübingen, 1927. Heidegger, M. : An Introduction to Metaphysics, Yale University Press - London, 1959. Heidegger, M. : What is called Thinking ?, Harper & Row - New York, 1968. Heidegger, M. : Nietzsche, Harper & Row - San Francisco, 1979 -1987, volume 1 : The Will To Power as Art, volume 2 : The Eternal Recurrence and the Same, volume 3 : The Will to Power as Knowledge and as Metaphysics, volume 4 : Nihilism. Heidegger, M. : Pathmarks, Cambridge University Press - Cambridge, 1998. Heidegger, M. : Being and Time, Blackwell Publishers - Oxford, 2000. Heisenberg, W. : The Physical Principles of Quantum Theory, Dover - New York, 1930. Heisenberg, W. : Physics and Philosophy, Harper & Row - New York, 1958. Heisenberg, W. : Fysica in Perspectief, Het Spectrum - Antwerpen, 1974. Heisenberg, W. : Across the Frontiers, Harper & Row - New York, 1974. Hesiod : The Homeric Hymns and Homerica, Loeb - Londen, 1964. Hobbes, Th. : Leviathan, Dent - London, 1914. Homeros : Ilias & Odyssea, Kempische Boekhandel - Retie, 1959. Hornung, E. : Les Dieux de L'Egypte : le Un et le Multiple, du Rocher - Paris, 1986. Hornung, E. : Idea into Image, Timken - Princeton, 1992. Hornung, E. : Die Nachtfahrt der Sonne. Eine altägyptische Beschreibung des Jenseits, Artemis & Winkler -Zürich, 1998. Hornung, E. : Akhenaten and the Religion of Light, Cornell University Press - New York, 1999. Hume, D. : Dialogues concerning Natural Religion, Thomas Nelson & Sons - London, 1947. Hume, D. : An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals, Open Court - La Salle, 1966. Hume, D. : Enquiries Concerning Human Understanding and Concerning the Principles of Morals, Clarendon Press - Oxford, 1975. Hume, D. : The Natural History of Religion and Dialogues concerning Natural Religion, Clarendon Press - Oxford, 1976. Hume, D. : A Treatise of Human Nature, Clarendon Press - Oxford, 1978. Hume, D. : Essays Moral, Political, and Literary, Liberty Classics - Indianapolis, 1985. Hume, D. : An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Bartleby - New York, 2001. Husserl, E. : Idées directrices pour une phénoménologie, Gallimard - Paris, 1950. Husserl, E. : Ideas, Collier - New York, 1962. Husserl, E. : Philosophie Première, PUF - Paris, 1972, 2 tomes. Husserl, E. : Introduction to the Logical Investigations, Martinus Nijhoff - The Hague, 1975. Husserl, E. : La crise des sciences européennes et la phénoménologie transcendantale, Gallimard - Paris, 1976. Husserl, E. : Over de Oorsprong van de Meetkunde, Het Wereldvenster - Baarn, 1977. Husserl, E. : Méditations Cartésiennes, Vrin - Paris, 1980. Husserl, E. : Recherches phénoménologiques pour la constitution, PUF - Paris, 1982. Huxley, A. : The Perennial Philosophy, Harper & Brothers - New York, 1945. Huxley, A. : The Doors of Perception, Chatto & Windus - London, 1951. Huxley, A. : Brave New World, Harper & Row - New York, 1965. Iamblichus : On the Mysteries of the Egyptians, Chaldeans and Assyrians, Stuart & Watkings - London, 1968. Iamblichus / Porphyrius : Leven en leer van Pythagoras, Ambo - Baarn, 1987. Iamblichus : The Theology of Arithmetic, Phanes Press - Grand Rapids, 1988. James, W. : Varieties of Religious Experience, Longmans, Green & C° - New York, 1902. James, W. : Pragmatism, Longmans, Green & C° - New York, 1907. James, W. : Principles of Psychology, Dover - New York, 1950, 2 volumes. Jaspers, K. : The Great Philosophers, Harcourt, Brace & World - New York, 1962. Jaspers, K. : Nietzsche : An Introduction to the Understanding of his Philosophical Activity, University of Arizona Press - Tucson, 1965. Jaspers, K. : Philosophy of Existence, Blackwell - Oxford, 1971. Jaspers, K. : Einführung in die Philosophie, Artemis - Zürich, 1973. Jeans, J. : Natuurkunde en Wijsbegeerte, Leopolds - Den Haag, 1948. Jung, C. : Modern Man in Search of a Soul, Harcourt, Bryce & C° - New York, 1935. Jung, C. & Pauli, W. : The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche, Pantheon Books - New York, 1955. Jung, C. : The Basic Writings of C.G. Jung, Modern Library - New York, 1959. Jung, C. : Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Vintage Books - New York, 1963. Jung, C. : The Seven Sermons to the Dead, Watkins - London, 1967. Jung, C. : Man and His Symbols, Dell Publishing - New York, 1968. Jung, C. & Kerenyi, C. : Essays on a Science of Mythology, Bollingen series/Princeton University Press - Princeton, New Jersey, 1969. Jung, C. : The Letters, Bollingen series/Princeton University Press - Princeton, 1973 - 1975, 2 volumes. Jung, C. : Collected Works, Bollingen series/Princeton University - Princeton, 1979, 20 volumes. Jung, C. : Seminar on Dream Analysis, Bollingen series/Princeton University Press - Princeton, 1984. Jung, C. : Nietzsche’s Zarathustra, Bollingen series/Princeton University Press - Princeton, New Jersey, 1988, 2 volumes. Jung, C. : Flying Saucers, MJF Books - New York, 1996. Kant, I. : Critique de la raison pratique, PUF - Paris, 1943. Kant, I. : Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, Macmillan - New York, 1949. Kant, I. : Critique of Judgement, Hafner - New York, 1951. Kant, I. : Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, Merrill - Indianapolis, 1959. Kant, I. : Critique of Pure Reason, Anchor - New York, 1966. Kant, I. : Critique de la raison pure, Flammarion - Paris, 1976. Kant, I. : Grondslagen van de Ethiek, Boom Meppel - Amsterdam, 1978. Kant, I. : Kritik der reinen Vernunft, Reclam - Stuttgart, 1982. Kant, I. : Opus postumum, PUF - Paris, 1986. Kant, I. : Wat is Verlichting ?, Kok - Kampen, 1988. Kierkegaard, S. : Denken en Zijn, Boom Meppel - Amsterdam, 1982. Koestler, A. : The Act of Creation, MacMillan - New York, 1964. Koestler, A. : The Ghost in the Machine, Macmillan - New York, 1963. Koestler, A. : Roots of Coincidence, Vintage Books - New York, 1973. Kohlberg, L. : The Philosophy of Moral Development, Harper & Row - San Francisco, 1981. Kolakowski, L. : The Presence of Myth, University of Chicago Press - Chicago, 1989. Kolakowski, L. : Modernity on Endless Trial, The University of Chicago Press - Chicago, 1990. Kolakowski, L. : Bergson, St. Augustine’s Press - South Bend, Indiana, 2001. Kolakowski, L. : Husserl and the Search for Certitude, St. Augustine’s Press - South Bend, Indiana, 2001. Kolakowski, L. : Metaphysical Horror, The University of Chicago Press - Chicago, 2001. Kolakowski, L. : Religion, St. Augustine’s Press - South Bend, Indiana, 2001. Kuhn, T.S. : The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, University of Chicago Press - Chicago, 1970. Kuhn, T.S. : The Essential Tension, Chicago University Press - Chicago, 1977. Kuhn, T.S. : The Copernican Revolution, Harvard University Press - Cambridge, 1985. Lakatos, I. : Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge, Cambridge University Press -Cambridge, 1970. La Rochefoucauld : Maximes et Réflexions diverses, Gallimard - Paris, 1976. Lenin, W.I. : Keuze uit zijn Werken, Pagasus - Amsterdam, 1950, 2 volumes. Leibniz, G.W. : Metafysische Verhandeling, Het Wereldvenster - Bussum, 1981. Leibniz, G.W. : Principes de la nature et de la grâce fondés en raison, PUF - Paris, 1986. Leibniz, G.W. : Monadologie, Agora - Kok, 1991. Lessing, G.E. : De opvoeding van de mensheid, Het Wereldvenster - Baarn, 1979. Levinas, E. : Totality and Infinity, Duquesne University Press - Pittsburg, 1961. Levinas, E. : Ethics and Infinity, Duquesne University Press - Pittsburg, 1985. Levinas, E. : Discovering Existence with Husserl, Northwest University Press - Evanston, 1998. Lévi-Strauss, Cl. : Myth and Meaning, Routledge & Kegan Paul - London, 1978. Lévi-Strauss, Cl. : The Savage Mind, University of Chicago Press - Chicago, 1997. Lévi-Strauss, Cl. : Structural Anthropology, Basic Books - New York, 2000. Locke, J.: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Clarendon Press - Oxford, 1975. 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