C or
I or
M or
© Wim van den Dungen
§ 1
Information (I) is the set of paradigms (theories, models, software) ordered by a
dyadic or dual system of numbers, better known as the binary system, in which the position
values are all powers of the base 2 (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 ...). As a "global code of life" it is a "model
of life" coded in natural numbers, describing the conditions for the survival & the sustainable dynamic equilibrium & emancipation of the mineral, vegetal, animal, human & adept
kingdoms on Earth. I can not be defined without the concept of order, implying
complexification, transcription without any loss at the source & the possibility of transmitting
the code to the offspring (through phylogenesis).
Order is static or dynamical. The former implies the architecture, organization or structure
of a system S, a form (key of order). The latter are simple, periodic or quasi-periodic (period < 3), regular, predictable, probable, determinable, linear movements of natural and/or artificial
systems in time, i.e. a
phase-stream which does not or nearly not depend on small changes in the initial
§ 3
A system S is an well-ordered organized totality of parts. S can be characterized by three
sets :
(1) Behavior - consciousness :
B = (B1, B2, ... Bl) : the proper, ideosyncratic, operative activity, movement or
behavior of S ;
(2) Reflection - information :
R = (R1, R2, ... Rm) : the behavioral conditions necessary for S to continue
behavior B ;
(3) Execution - matter :
E = (E1, E2, ... En) : the equipment necessary to execute the list of B's.
§ 4
Let us distinguish between 7 types of systems :
(1) amorphous, physical systems : space, time, extension
(2) crystaline systems : idem + 7 crystaline models
(3) chemical systems : idem + reactions
(4) vegetative systems : idem + life (DNA)
(5) animal systems : idem + instincts
(6) human systems : idem + culture (symbols)
(7) spiritual systems : idem + creativity (novelty)
§ 5
Order can also be approached with the concept of negentropy, i.e. the negation
of entropy or the unlikely organization (characterizing artificially isolated M). The
more negentropic a code, the more complex it is. In physical systems negentropy is rare.
However, in complex systems a complexification occurs which "eats" the chaotic tendency
towards thermodynamical death. In that case, the second law of thermodynamics is contradicted. Because of their massive absorption of energy, dissipative (living) systems move beyond
the rule of the "nature morte" and contribute to the complexification of the cosmos.
§ 6
When I is artificially separated from its co-relative operators, it tends towards
a diversification for its own sake, an idealism or informationism which is not rooted in
conscious choices or practical necessities. Moreover, communication lacks flexibility and
redundancy is great. The antinomy of the isolation of M occurs : through a surplus of
models, a Babylonian confusion may ensue and the opposite of communication prevail.
§ 7
Through the use of cyberspace I coupled with C will become a permanent conscious global form enabling the formation of a planetary democracy beyond
personal egoism & petty nationalisms. Such a planetary cybermind would allow humanity
to really master our Earth without barbarism & cultural catastrophes. In view of the present
natural state of our planet & the moral state of humanity, we reckon several centuries
will have to pass before this may be fully the case. However, as the 20th century showed,
undreamed changes may occur in a hundred years time. The main challenge ? To allow meta-cultural, planetary issues to become top priority so that 10% of the world's yearly income is
used to create a "garden of Eden" on this planet for all living beings.
See also : Synopsis

initiated : 2002 - last update : 25 XI 2005
- version n°2